Bethel Township 2021 Spring Recycling Events

Spring Yard Waste Collection

On Monday, May 10th, Bethel Township will be hosting a Spring Yard Waste Collection. Residents looking to participate should place yard waste in bio-degradable compost bags and place them at curbside. Acceptable items include leaves, grass clippings, weeds and brush, shrubbery, and other yard materials. Twigs and small branches will also be collected. For disposal, please cut all sticks and branches to lengths no longer than 3 feet and bind them together with rope or twine. For the full flyer, please visit our website at


Spring E-Recycling

Bethel Township will be hosting a spring E-Recycling Event on Saturday, May 15th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, at the Bethel Township Building (1092 Bethel Road, Garnet Valley, PA). Acceptable items for collection include, but are not limited to, televisions, monitors, computers, computer mice, keyboards, printers, etc. There will be no charge for this event; however, this event is for Bethel Township Residents only and ID's will be required. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, residents will be instructed to show their ID through the glass of their driver's-side window. Residents will then be instructed to pop the truck of their car where B & L Disposal Employees will remove the E-waste for recycling. Residents are instructed to remain in their vehicles at all times. For additional information, please visit our website at


Paper Shredding/Drug Takeback

Bethel Township will be hosting a Paper Shredding and Drug Take-Back on Saturday, June 26th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, at the Bethel Township Building (1092 Bethel Road, Garnet Valley, PA). Residents are permitted to shred up to three packing boxes of paper materials. Cardboard will not be accepted. Staples and paper clips do not need to be removed. Prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs will also be collected for safe disposal. Unfortunately, needles and epi-pens will not be accepted. This event is for Bethel Township Residents only and ID's will be required. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, residents will be instructed to show their ID through the glass of their driver's-side window. Residents will then be instructed to pop the truck of their car where J & K Shredding Employees will remove the all materials for recycling. Residents are instructed to remain in their vehicles at all times. For additional information, please visit our website at


Delaware County Hazardous Waste Collection

Delaware County will be hosting a Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event on Saturday, June 12th, at Rose Tree Park (1671 N. Providence Road, Media, PA 19063). Acceptable items for collection include, but are not limited to, oil-based paint, gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner, pool chemicals, anti-freeze, mercury thermometers and thermostats, and fluorescent tube light bulbs. This event is free of charge to all Delaware County Residents. Registration will open six weeks prior to the event. Residents looking to participate can register at . Additional information regarding acceptable recycling materials can be found on our website at Any questions regarding this event should be directed to the Delaware County Solid Waste Authority at (610) 892-9627.

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