General Information
Township Engineer
Matt Houtmann
Phone Numbers
(610) 459-1529 x2
Fax: (610) 459-2921
Emergencies: Dial 911
1092 Bethel Road
Garnet Valley,

Monday - Friday
9:00am - 3:00pm

Township Ordinances

Available for Online Viewing

The following online version of the "Bethel Township Code" is not the official version.  The only official version is available through the township's office. Individuals who wish to view the Code and its accompanying Ordinances should contact the township.

Code of Ordinances

In Pennsylvania, most cities and towns create laws or legislation through use of the ordinance system.  An ordinance is a permanent rule of action established by law or statute and is used to designate the enactments of the local legislative body.  For example, items such as establishment of government, zoning, use of roads, trash collection, sewer and waste, etc. may be governed by local law.

On August 9, 2011, the Board of Supervisors took the historic step to codify all current legislation by adopting The Bethel Code (PDF), also known as Ordinance No. 198. This is the process whereby all laws are collected and arranged into a "code" which is scientifically ordered, arranged and promulgated by the legislative body.

Currently, all ordinances through No. 237 have been codified.  New legislation, not yet codified, will be added to the Code periodically.

To view the laws that govern Bethel Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, please click on the following link: BETHEL CODE. Since the Zoning Ordinance No. 182 is quite voluminous and contains valuable information, it shall remain here as a stand alone document.

Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance Appendix A